Here Comes Our Great News Maker!

The Jakarta Post | Sun, 06/01/2008 9:37 PM | 
National Scores of members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), a fringe extremist group, ambushed a religious tolerance rally and attacked participants at the National Monument on Sunday. Around 200 FPI members ran amok amid a rally held by the National Alliance for Freedom of Religion and Faith (AKKBB), whose participants mainly consisted of women and children.

One police officer was attacked as the mob chanted anti-Ahmadiyah slogans and chased after AKKBB members. Several supporters of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), who were commemorating National Awakening Day nearby, managed to disperse the crowd before the arrival of security personnel.

Senior journalist and AKKBB member Goenawan Muhamad said he would report the FPI to the authorities for the attack. "This marks the first time in history that people commemorating Pancasila Day have faced such an attack," he told reporters shortly after the rally. 

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4 Komentar

  1. Tired of these cowards (not verified) — Mon, 06/02/2008 - 10:45am

    I am really tired of the FPI. Habib Riziq is probably the biggest coward on the planet(next to George Bush). I think that resorting to violence with these guys would mean falling into their trap.

    On the other hand, letting them know that they will not get a free ride on voilent acts anymore, might be a fun activity.

    I mean how hard is it to organize 300 to 400 people who don't like these guys. I bet you could do it for 50 to 100 juta. Rent the same trucks the rent, show up to their head quarters and strike some fear into their hearts. Then maybe next October they might be less inclined to commit illegal acts.

    I am thinking that if the law will not do something, it's time for street justice.

  2. The Reader (not verified) — Mon, 06/02/2008 - 1:20am

    Scandalous that the Government of Indonesia does not crack down on this kind of unruly behavior by fringe radical groups. When will they realize that protecting diversity is part of upholding basic democracy?!

  3. N. Wirya (not verified) — Mon, 06/02/2008 - 12:33am

    This is insane! This so-called FPI with their "ghetto attitude" have been able to do whatever they want to do for so many years!..And they make everyone's life miserable. Is the government doing anything about this?

    Enough is enough...I seriously think what these loosers need to do: Instead of harassing everyone, they need to get a JOB! So please FPI, try to Work and Earn Money for a change. If you can't find a job, make one! Use your time for a better purpose! And don't you dare to waste my tax money!

    Very unhappy taxpayer,

  4. Some said that Habib Riziq is a lion baby whose actions are being well-organized by the security site of this country in order to divert public attention toward nation-wide bad publication such as BBM and similar stuffs. But to me he looks very much like a sick puppy.....
